On Wednesday afternoon 22nd April 2020 the Squash South Africa Executive met using Zoom.
There is still so much uncertainty regarding time frames, and although the State President, Mr Ramaphosa lifted the lockdown to Phase 4, it is still a fairly strict lockdown and Sport is still in full lockdown.
We really are sensitive to the challenges which the lockdown has brought. Although it has certainly contributed to the flattening of the curve, financially, socially, emotionally – everything has changed, and as many are quoting things will not be the same. Everyone world wide has been affected.
We sincerely hope that all administrators, coaches, and players in all corners of South Africa are safe and healthy.
We are sensitive to the fact that clubs are being hard hit and it may be many more weeks before they will be functioning again. We wish them well during this time and hope that when everyone is able to play again, they will be busier than before.
As there is still so much uncertainty regarding time frames the top priority is the safety of our players and members, and as regards the 2020 calendar we will be guided by the South African Government, the World Squash Federation and the PSA.
The date of the AGM will be confirmed within the criteria of the Squash South Africa Constitution – which is that notice must be given 30 working days prior. As it is an Election Year it is important that it be held as scheduled, either during July or at the end of June using electronic voting. The Convention is likely to be held (stand alone) later in the year. Again we will confirm as soon as we are able to.
We are investigating ways in which we can safely and economically hold the 2020 AGM and more information regarding the logistics and the date will be circulated soon. In the meantime we will abide by the Constitutional requirements in sending out the Notice of Meeting, request for nominations, the Agenda and the audited Financial Statements.
The plans at present are to stage the Growthpoint Nationals in August followed by the Growthpoint Interprovincial followed by the Growthpoint S A Open. But this is all dependent on the Government’s time frame.
Jacqui, Lauren and I are still working from home so if there are any queries please contact us
Best wishes to each and every one of you.
Enjoy the long weekend this weekend and next – very different from other years.
Stay safe and healthy.