Headlines |
The Crowd Goes Wild |
What Makes a Sports Parent |
Tufts #YOLO Question Creates Stir |
Pro Squash Store |
Our Men’s College Pre-Season Picks |
John Fry New US Squash Chairman |
Court Maintenance |
Pro Squash Attempts to Go Big Time |
Study Finds Elite Degrees Do Not Necessary Earn More |
Last Week’s Question |
Question of the Week |
Losing Muscle Power As We age |
Stretch the Hips |
The Crowd Goes Wild |
The Crowd Goes Wild is New Zealand’s slightly twisted look at sports.But we couldn’t turn away. To see the interview with Joelle King and Amanda Landers-Murphy, please click here. |
What Makes a Sports Parent and What Makes a Nightmare |
Hundreds of college athletes were asked to think back: “What is your worst memory from playing youth and high school sports?”Their overwhelming response: “The ride home from games with my parents.”To see the Post Game’s article, please click here. |
Tufts #Yolo Question Creates a Stir |
YOLO [YO-low]: An acronym meaning “You only live once.” Meant to elicit a carefree attitude, willing to take chances.Also, the subject of an essay question to get into one of the best universities in the country, and its creating quite a stir.Time Magazine: here LA Times: here The Atlantic Wire: here Boston.com: here ABC News: here Business Insider: here Salon.com: here New Republic: here BarStool Sports: here Washington Monthly: here College Candy: here |
Pro Squash Store |
Pro Squash Store is an online store powered by Amazon.The prices are exactly the same as Amazon, but Amazon.com will return a percentage of sales purchasedthrough Pro Squash Store back to support the sport of squash.And you aren’t limited to squash gear. Any Amazon product is available for purchase. So, even if you buy a book, a CD, or a microwave oven, you’ll be supporting squash.To visit Pro Squash Store, please click here. |
Squash Ezine’s Pre-Season Men’s College Top 25 |
1. St. Lawrence University: the best #1 and #2 in the country and our pick to win it all2. Harvard University: young talent and great coaching3. Yale University: winning the final match will mean the most4. Trinity College: end of an era starts now5. University of Rochester: talent, combined with world class coaching6. Cornell University: good recruits and solid coaching7. Princeton University: transitioning8. Bates College: the bad boys of the NESCAC are now elite
9. Franklin and Marshall College: eccentric coach, strong team 10. Dartmouth College: good, not great 11. University of Western Ontario: always a tough pick 12. Columbia University: plateauing? 13. U. Penn: solid coach 14. Naval Academy: Made in America takes you only so far 15. Drexel University: a January recruit could change the equation 16. Brown University: the smartest team with the nicest coach 17. Williams College: off year for great program 18. Wesleyan University: trending right for coach of the year 19. Middlebury College: new building and new energy 20. Bowdoin College: young talent means future full of hope 21. George Washington University: this pick could be low, but there are so many good programs now 22. Colby College: great vibe to a good team 23. Amherst College: slowly moving down the rankings 24. Hamilton College: sportsmanlike group 25. Tufts University: Jumbo Fever, Catch It! Feel free to tell us how wrong we are and defend your school. To add your comments to the Squash Ezine Blog, please click here. |
John Fry US Squash Chairman |
US Squash has a habit of tapping first-class, leadership for their Board. That trend will continue as Drexel University’s John Fry takes the reigns.Fry is a smart, pragmatic, effective leader.To see US Squash’s announcement, please click here. |
Court Maintenance from New Zealand |
Dusty courts? Moisture? Need to clean the walls?Squash New Zealand has great resources for you and your club.To see Squash New Zealand’s articles, please click here. |
Pro Squash Attempts to Go Big Time |
The year was 1984 and squash’s WPSA leaders were in Boston telling the Christian Science Monitor that they were on the verge of going big time.The story could have just as easily been written today.To read the Christian Science Monitor article, please click here. |
Study Finds Elite Degrees Do Not Necessarily earn More |
According to a report released by the American Institutes for Research, graduates of elite colleges and universities don’t necessarily make more money than their counterparts at less well-known schools.To see Hechinger Report’s coverage of the study completed by the American Institutes for Research, please click here. |
Last Week’s Question |
Last week we asked you if you want squash to try again to get into the Olympics. Over 80% of you said yes.Below are the comments made in addition to the answers:– “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Churchill– The momentum has been built. There is still hope for the future. Squash is growing. -Because it will get in -HELL YES- WE DON’T STOP PLAYNI -A great batch of juniors are in the making, they can carry the us team -Just because the voters were senseless doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try again -Never give up -Now let’s re-evaulate why we changed a formerly great scoring system for recreational players to better our odds of getting into the olympics before our sport goes the way of racquetball. In about 15 or 20 years. -Let’s face it, until it is a big money American sport and until the world gets over hating Pakistan and Egypt it WILL NOT Happen! -What a waste of resources and direction. -How about enforcing swing pattern refereeing and conduct rules for Juniors and making it safer for developing players instead – -fire K KLIPSTEIN -Disappointing but we should be in the Olympics and it will mean everything to our athletes unlike perhaps golfers who earn megabucks anyway. -We don’t stop playing after the first game, lets beat these corrupt fools -Many sports thrive without the Olympics. Bigger sports like Motor Sports, Cricket and Rugby League all do not ry to get into the olympics and concentrate on growing their sports. Obviously in an ideal world the Olympics would be great but we cannot as a sport afford the distraction in terms of effort and finance, We need to make our sport as succesful as possible. -It would be great but we dont need the Olympics. Lets accept it and join other global sports outside the Olympics.To see last week’s results, please click here. |
Losing Muscle Power As We Age |
“The deterioration of muscle is compounded by a loss of muscle strength, which really begins to decline around age 50 and appears to be a factor in the visible decrease in mobility people exhibit around age 80,” adds Fielding, a professor at the Friedman School.To read the Tufts Nutrition article, please click here. |
TRUTH & Rumors |