To all members of Squash South Africa
Squash South Africa is jumping forward into a new arena – that of an individual registration – on Tuesday 28th April 2015 at 13h00.
Sport:80 will provide us with the link on the Squash South Africa website from which you will connect with the registration site and be able to complete the registration form and make the payment.
Please allow 3 days for the payment to move through the bank system, be monitored and your registration number to be activated.
Registration will start on Tuesday 28th April at 13h00 and the cut off date will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 at 17h00.
There will be a random draw on Thursday 21st May 2015 for 3 lucky registration numbers. Each of the 3 registered players will win a two night stay (breakfast included) for 2 people at any Tsogo Sun Hotel in South Africa. The winners will be notified by Squash South Africa and the weekend can be booked through the offices of Squash South Africa.
Please will all the players in the South African Country Districts Championships to be held in George from 6th – 10th May 2015 be amongst the first to register as we will be using the results from your championships to kickstart the on-line ranking.
This is the start of many exciting things which will be happening.
Cool for Coppinger he deserves it great ambassador
I want to register membership with Squash S Africa
Please use this link: