Dear All
Squash SA has been working tirelessly to make sure you’re allowed to play during this time. Your safety remains your own responsibility, and we request you be respectful of club staff and other persons implementing the various rules. An update on our modified level 3+ rules to play squash:
- Play may ONLY take place at approved venues (authorised as Level 1, 2, or 3 facilities)
- On-premises bars and restaurants OPERATE PER THEIR LICENSE CONDITIONS (bathrooms for emergencies only)
- On-premises changerooms/ showers remain closed (toilets for emergencies only)
- All sanitising protocols are required, at the venue (including daily cleaning)
- Provincial Federations OR Facilities may elect to not re-open at this time
- ONLY authorised players may practice/ play squash
- Paid-up with Squash SA (SportyHQ). The R120 you paid for your 2020 registration is still valid until 31 March 2021 (2021 fee will be R150)
- Including casual players (Registered Provincial League Players only)
- Masks to be worn at all times (excluding when playing).
- ONLY Level 1 and Level 2 coaches may coach (coaching of approved players only)
- NO spectators at all (players who have finished must leave the venue)
- Tournaments and Leagues ARE PERMITTED if approved by the province/ club
Paul S Vermaak | National COVID Compliance Officer
Needs an update