VENUE: Wanderers Squash Centre, Illovo
ENTRY FEE: R220 per entry. (Non-refundable / Includes a R15.00 SA SCHOOLS Levy)
ENTRIES CLOSE: Sunday 1 March 2015
Entry form and deposit slip with player’s name should be e-mailed to or faxed to 086 605-6124. No late entries will be accepted.
Enter on line at Entries without entry forms and entry fees will not be entered into the draw.
PAYMENT: Direct deposits can be made to Gauteng Junior Squash
Bank:ABSA Branch Code: 632005 Acc #: 9070751024
NB: A copy of the deposit slip with the player’s name(s) MUST be faxed or emailed with the entry form, before the closing date.
Why can’t I access the CGJS website?
No idea – they administer their own site.