To: All Masters provinces, chairpersons, and players:
2020 SA Masters Interprovincial Squash tournament – May 2020 – Pietermaritzburg
It is with regret that the SA Masters Squash executive has decided to cancel the 2020 SA Masters Squash Interprovincial scheduled to be hosted by Midlands Masters in Pietermaritzburg in May 2020.
Following the President’s declaration on Sunday night in terms of the coronavirus pandemic being experienced around the world, the recommendations from SASCOC, and the directive from Squash SA halting all organised squash until after the Easter weekend, we have to comply with safety considerations to our players and their families around Southern Africa.
The world is being subjected to highly unusual conditions in the form of this pandemic, thus responsible steps have to be taken to manage the situation under these circumstances.
Please distribute this correspondence as widely as possible to your membership at your soonest opportunity.
Your co-operation and understanding would be much appreciated.
Ian Paterson
Chairman – SA Masters Squash
For and on behalf of South African Masters Squash